On Mar 14, 2012 9:45 PM, "Alan Mackenzie" <a...@muc.de> wrote:
> Hi, Walter.
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 04:09:46AM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 06:22:39PM -0500, Dale wrote
> > > I think mdev has shown it can be fixed.  Given time, it just may
> > > udev then the udev dev can screw up his own stuff on not bother other
> > > distros.  I'm giving mdev some thought here.  I want /usr on LVM which
> > > means it has to be separate.
> >   Sorry, in lste-breaking news, it looks like udev is a mandatory
> > dependancy for lvm2.  No udev ==> No lvm2
> I can mount and use my lvm2 partitions under mdev.  As I said, I don't
> yet know whether lvm2's full functionality is available.
> I suspect there'll be quite a few packages which list udev as a
> dependency, yet work well enough under mdev.
> >   Can you run a test for me?  What happens when you...
> > 1) insert the line
> > sys-fs/udev
> > into /etc/portage/package.mask
> > 2) execute "emerge -pv system"
> > 3) execute "emerge -pv world"
> > 4) Remember to remove the "sys-fs/udev" line from package.mask<G>
> >   I expect that you should get an error message about not being able to
> > emerge lvm2 due to udev being masked.  This is something I intend to add
> > to the instructions, so people can check ahead of time whether their
> > particular setup is able to run without udev.
> The solution to this, ugly though it might be, is to leave udev in the
> system so as to allow these other packages to be merged.

... or, put sys-fs/udev in package.provided

Of course, if a package *actually* needs udev, that's a sure-fire recipe
for catastrophe (for that package).


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