On 2012-03-17 21:09, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

> seriously, you have seemed to miss some news. There is a move by redhat&co to 
> move almost everything from / to /usr. With nothing left than some 
> mountpoints 
> - why put / on its own partition? There is nothing to contain apart from 
> /etc. 

Nope, haven't missed a thing; I'm on the other side of the fence (of
course the _right_ side :-) ), where we can keep all our /bin /sbin /usr
directories separate and live happily everafter... ;-)

> Your sarcasm fails because you think that there is an intrinsic reason to 
> keep 
> / seperate. Well, with / filled with usefull binaries to bring a hosed system 
> back from the garbage pile that was true for some peole. But with the current 
> movement there isn't anything there at all. 

You're correct in a sense; if I choose to accept the New World Order
(NWO) and put everything into /usr then you would be correct. As it
stands now, I'm going in the other direction (putting /, /usr, /var,
/home on separate harddrives)... :-D

But I guess Gentoo itself will adapt to the NWO eventually, unless (by
some miracle) some sanity is restored, so I'll have to find a new OS to
use (probably FreeBSD)...

Best regards

Peter K

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