El 24/ago/2005 a las 02:36 -0300, Nick me decĂ­a:
> Seriously this time:
> How about changing your strategy to this:
> Get a list of the packages you want to update from the target machine.
> something like:
> emerge -uDp world|grep ebuild|awk '{print($4)}'>packlist
> take packlist to the connected machine and type:
> for package in `cat packlist` ; do DISTDIR=/where/ever/i/want emerge
> --nodeps -f =$package; done
> The files will then be in /where/ever/i/want and you can put them on a
> cd or whatever method you are using and take them away.
> --nodeps will make sure that your connected host doesn't substitute its
> own idea of what the deps are (perhaps based on different USE flags)

Could work, but i think he says he has debian in connected machine.


Anyway i would be great if 'emerge' has clean option like
'--print-uris' from apt-get so one could just use 'wget' or whatever
they find on connected machine. Other idea could be to have a script
that downloads the gentoo-way using what emerge print now, checking
mirrors, etc. Like a tiny version of emerge.

Fernando Canizo - http://www.lugmen.org.ar/~conan/
<ciaranm> antialiasing?
<ciaranm> the alcohol does that for you
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