did you look at the logs? if you haven't already looked at them dmesg and 
have information that could help you pinpoint the problem.
one of the earlier live-cds had that problem and I got around it by starting 
the the cd with
"gentoo noacpi nox" options though I doubt this can help in your case.
could you provide some more information like the logs, the loader conf files 
and may be
.config of your kernel make?


Michael Scherer
Univ.klinik f. Psychiatrie
email: michael.sche...@meduniwien.ac.at
phone: +43 6991 941 22 54

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Zhang Jun 
  To: gentoo-user 
  Sent: Sunday, 22 April, 2012 08:25
  Subject: [gentoo-user] laptop screen goes dark in boot

  laptop: asus F3TC, amd Turion, NV-go7300
  kernel-3.0.17-r1 tuxonice

  screen goes dark just after I see the linux boot logo,
  when using kernel 2.6.x, I even do not use hotkey to control lcd backlight, 
default light is ok,
  but now, it goes dark, re-compiled kernel many times, but no luck,

  in kernel acpi config page, I did't see the "video" module, and seems no 
/proc/acpi/video/ .

  is there anyone have met this problem and have solution ?


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