On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Doug Hunley <doug.hun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 08:47, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Doug Hunley <doug.hun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The subject line pretty much says it all. I've been happily using lilo
>>> to boot from my internal 4-disk sata array (md, raid 1) for a while
>>> now and I recently bought an external sata enclosure. I cabled it up
>>> to my machine, added 4 disks I had sitting around, and on boot, lilo
>>> throws a 'duplicate vol-id detected' error and halts...
>>> I did a bunch of googling, and it looks like if I could just get
>>> booted, running 'lilo' would actually fix the problem, but I can't get
>>> lilo booted past this error.
>>> Ideas on how I can fix/remove the vol-id from the external disks?
>> I *think* those are going to be filesystem labels. If it's ext-based,
>> you should be able to use tune2fs to change them.
>> Is there a reason you can't boot from a liveDVD or similar, chroot in,
>> and run lilo? You'll have to get to a working system to change things
>> one way or another...
>> --
>> :wq
> no, these are not filesystem labels. they are the first 4 bytes of
> each disks MBR ;)
> lilo will correct them, if i can get lilo booted
> i tried booting systemrescue cd, and it boots, but it doesn't see the
> external drives (hence it boots fine)

Try an Ubuntu live CD or similar. If it doesn't see the external
drives, there's a reasonable chance you can modprobe something or
enable hotplug support after you've already booted.

Alternately, can you alter your primary system's MBR to alleviate the
conflict, and then get in and fix things properly?


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