> I updated udev from 171-r5 to 171-r6 and now i get several udevd boot
> message as :
> udevd[1389]: can not find '/lib/udev/rules.d/90-network.rules': No such
> file or directory
> udevd[1389]: can not find '/lib/udev/rules.d/95-keymap.rules': No such
> file or directory
> ......................
> and so on.
> /lib is a symlink pointing to /lib64.
> /lib64/udev/rules.d is ok with all the rules that udevd does not find at
> boot.

No I would guess it was because of the upgrade of sys-apps/baselayout to
2.1-r1. Things got crazy here with that upgrade. I had to re-merge every
package with files under /lib/
In your case re-merging udev should to the trick.

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