On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Hans de Graaff <gra...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Yes, this is true. We do this because normally ruby contains a copy of
> rdoc. We unbundle that and thus the external rdoc implementation is
> installed.


Thank you, I understand.

Apparently I have to add some ruby_targets_ruby19 USE flags to my
system.  I pasted a snippet of my /etc/portage/package.use below.  I
included some other entries for context.

Question 1: Is it true that, except for this new RUBY stuff, every
entry in my package.use file is an attempt by me to enable some
feature I want in a package I want?

Answer 1: Yes

Question 2: Does it seem weird that portage wants me to add USE flags
to enable some feature in a package I never heard of and have no
interest in and to top it off has a very weird name

Answer 2: [your answer here]

The tone of this message might sound obnoxious, but it's just a
"trick" I am using to better ask my question.  I'm not complaining (I
don't even know enough about this to have a complaint), I'm really
just curious.

Thank you,



>From /etc/portage/package.use:

# Give a GUI to cmake
dev-util/cmake qt4

# Enable git-svn, gitk, and git bash completion
dev-vcs/git tk bash-completion subversion
dev-vcs/subversion -dso perl

# Enable nice mounts in gnome
gnome-base/gvfs fuse

# Enable plotting in octave
sci-mathematics/octave gnuplot

# Satisfy Gentoo's desire to have RUBY and rdoc installed
dev-ruby/rubygems ruby_targets_ruby19
dev-ruby/rake ruby_targets_ruby19
dev-ruby/racc ruby_targets_ruby19
dev-ruby/rdoc ruby_targets_ruby19
dev-ruby/json ruby_targets_ruby19

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