On Tue, 22 May 2012 11:01:45 -0700
Chris Stankevitz <chrisstankev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apparently I have to add some ruby_targets_ruby19 USE flags to my
> system.

No!  Don't do that!  Instead, you should add a line


in your make.conf (or RUBY_TARGETS="ruby18 ruby19") and let portage do
the USE_EXPAND to ruby_targets_ruby19 (respectively,
ruby_targets_ruby18 ruby_targets_ruby19) itself for the relevant
packages. See ${PORTDIR}/profiles/desc/ruby_targets.desc for
description.  It is much easier and more intuitive this way, since you
are not doing weird things like building package A for ruby18 but not
package B.

> Question 2: Does it seem weird that portage wants me to add USE flags
> to enable some feature in a package I never heard of and have no
> interest in and to top it off has a very weird name
> (ruby_targets_ruby19)?

The "weird" name is a result of USE_EXPANDing RUBY_TARGETS, just like
LINGUAS and SANE_BACKENDS, for example.


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