On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 4:51 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Joshua Murphy wrote:
> Well, I don't see why not.  As you say, lack of a proper clean up after
> a bad shutdown can cause problems.  Anything in /run would disappear
> after a shutdown, clean or not, since it is in tmpfs.   It doesn't seem
> to use much ram either.  I really don't know of a reason why it couldn't
> be set that way.  I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed tho.  lol
> As for one of us setting it to do that manually, I guess one could do
> that.  If I recall correctly, /var/lock is *supposed* to be cleaned up
> when booting but that was a good long while ago.  This may be something
> the devs are already getting ready for.  I get the feeling that they are
> taking what I call baby steps.  I noticed a upgrade to baselayout and I
> think OpenRC as well not long ago.  I'm not sure what decided to put
> stuff in /run.  I would think it would be one of those but it could be
> some other package.  I guess udev could be one that could have made it
> as well.  It does have a directory in there that has stuff in it.  The
> rest are empty.
> I'd wait for a serious guru to reply before changing anything tho, just
> to be safe.  ;-)
> You think being up late at night is bad.  You should see me when my meds
> are making me goofy.  lol
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

I would try it right now, but

a) the only proper 'desktop' I have running is a windows box, the rest
of my systems, netbook, laptops, and servers, are stripped down to the
bare essentials and are likely to continue skipping along smoothly for
a long while regardless of what I do to them, hardly a useful test for
something that could potentially cause catastrophic breakage for more
'normal' systems, and

b) if it *did* break, I would dread it as I went about trying to
remember my exact steps to get there after I wake up tomorrow,
especially with the fact that I'm aiming to head to the office when I
wake, rather than toy around with fixing things here at home.

Maybe tomorrow evening on a couple systems, if the idea itself doesn't
bring about any "don't do this, you'll break <x>" responses between
now and then (and, depending on the severity of the potential
breakage, may still have to poke it with a stick).

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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