Alan McKinnon writes:

> On Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:57:42 -0700
> Chris Stankevitz <> wrote:

> > Today emerge is asking me to add "=sys-fs/udev-171-r6 hwdb" to
> > package.use to appease udisk.  Just as before, this looks fishy to me
> > and I would like to get your opinion about how to properly satisfy
> > this seemingly system-required-use-flag.  My gut instinct is that this
> > USE flag requirement should be handled by the Gentoo team in the
> > profile or in some other place that I never look at.
> It's not a question of "system" vs "personal preference"
> It's a question of treating USE flags as global or local in scope. The
> USE variable in make.conf applies globally, and the package.use file
> applies to individual packages. Portage itself couldn't care how you
> view the use of your flags, so you should organize them how you see fit.
> See here:
> $ euses -sf hwdb
> sys-fs/udev:hwdb - read vendor/device string database and add it to
> udev database
> The flag applies to only one package.
> Some USE flags do not have a sane default so there's no choice the devs
> can make on your behalf. Especially convenience features like this one
> - some folk want it, others do not. So the devs delegate the choice to
> you to apply in any way you see fit.

I think Chris' question is more about why he has to manually activate
this USE flag, as it seems to be necessary anyway, in his case.

Looking at my own setup, I have built udev with hwdb, but I do not know
why. There is no hwdb in make.conf or package.use, emerge --info does
not show it, but emerge --info sys-fs/udev does. I'm on version 182-r3.

> > What do you guys think?  Should I append "udev hwdb" to package.use
> > right after my long list of "personal preference customizations"?

Yes. Or use the --autounmask-write option for emerge (may need the new
portage), this will add it automatically, with a comment.


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