Am 18.06.2012 22:49, schrieb Harry Putnam:
> Michael Hampicke <> writes:
>> Am 18.06.2012 21:57, schrieb Harry Putnam:
>>> Setup:
>>> Running a basic-ish setup with no X configured.
>>> This is gentoo running as virtual guest on win7 using Virtual Box.
>>> Today I ran eix-sync followed by emerge -vuDp world.
>>> One thing in the output puzzles me:
>>>   [ebuild  NS    ] sys-kernel-sources-3.2.16 [3.2.6, 3.3.4] [...]
>>> What would cause something like this, when I'm booting 3.3.4?
>> I'd say you still have a slotted package of gentoo-sources-3.2.*
>> installed. So portage will upgrade gentoo-sources-3.2.* and
>> gentoo-sources-3.3.*
>> Check with emerge -p --prune gentoo-sources
> Thanks... yes, that was what was happening. 
> Sorry about the line noise for something so basic

No problem, same thing happend to me a few weeks ago. I did not pay
attention, installed and compiled a "new" 3.3 kernel while running a 3.4
kernel. When I rebooted the next day and saw that it was booting a 3.3
series kernel I was like "whut? wait, what now?" :)

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