Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> writes:

> Michael Hampicke <gentoo-u...@hadt.biz> writes:
>>>> I'd say you still have a slotted package of gentoo-sources-3.2.*
>>>> installed. So portage will upgrade gentoo-sources-3.2.* and
>>>> gentoo-sources-3.3.*
>>>> Check with emerge -p --prune gentoo-sources
> What I had installed was 3.2.6... so why would emerge want to install
> something older? (3.2.16)  I don't get that.
Egad... I think I see now.... when I looked at my last post is
suddenly dawned that 16 comes after 6 hehe.  I was seeing 16 and
thinking 1.6 I guess.

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