Silvio Siefke writes:

> on my Netbook i use Sabayon, because all compile from source need much 
> time and it was not so really run. Can i ask here a question, because
> i has problems with emerge.

Sure, and there doesn't even seem to be a Sabayon mailing list anyway.

> I has Install the Game PySolFC, a python solitaire Game. It want not
> run, because it miss imagingtk. So i try to rebuilt Python and Imaging
> with the normal Gentoo Way. 
> Mistake in Game >
> Recompile Python and Imaging >
> I follow the advice what says emerge, but emerge do nothing.

Did you put tk in your USE flags for python? Like, having

        dev-lang/python         tk

in /etc/portage/package.use, if you want to have it for all versions of
python. If you only want that for 2.7, use this line:

        dev-lang/python:2.7     tk

> gentoo-mobile siefke # emerge --newuse --update
> =dev-lang/python-2.7.2-r3 Calculating dependencies... done!
> >>> Auto-cleaning packages...

Should work, when the tk USE flag is set now, but wasn't set when python
2.7 was compiled. You can use emerge -pv dev-lang/python:2.7 to see which
USE flags are set.


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