On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 18:09:26 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Just to expand that, I followed Neil's advice when setting my boxes up. 
> I have an atom box as LAN server and an i5 workstation. I have a script 
> which I run on the workstation to mount all the necessary directories
> on the chroot, including nfs-mounting the atom's /usr/portage/packages
> dir. Then I chroot into the 32-bit system as described in the
> installation handbook, env-update && . /etc/profile and away I go.
> Then, on the atom, I emerge -kuaDvN world to install from the packages 
> I've just built.
> The only thing to be careful of is keeping the atom box and the chroot 
> identical. /var/lib/portage/world and /etc/portage/ must be identical. 

I use a script that rsyncs these, sets up the chroot mounts and then
chroots. The only part it doesn't take care of is keeping the relevant
parts of make.conf in sync (because some parts of the file must be

> Also /usr/src/linux/.config and /boot/ .

/boot doesn't need to be synced, /usr/src/linux only needs to be synced if
you are building kernel modules, but I build those natively (I also
compile kernels natively).

I really should get around to documenting this on the wiki sometimw.

Neil Bothwick

Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes. - Henry David Thoreau

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