Alex Schuster writes:

> Canek Peláez Valdés writes:

> > $ ll /dev/disk/by-id
> > ...
> > ata-SAMSUNG_HD160JJ_S08HJ10YC13279 -> ../../sda
> > ...
> > 
> > That's a whole drive right there.
> Wow, now I feel really stupid :) You are so right, they are there, and I
> don't why I overlooked them... too many entries there maybe, I have 140.
> But still. Stuuupid!

I looked again in the terminal at what I did this night, and at least
feel a little less stupid now. I had searched for my /dev/sdd drive, and
this one just has no label. Only its partitions do, they appear twice, as
ata-SAMSUNG_SP1614N_0735J1FW815459-part[15678] and

This drive is an older PATA drive, maybe that's the difference?


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