>>    http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/cross-compiling-distcc.xml
> I also read it far before I wrote my email.

In case I wasn't clear in my other email, what you should be paying
attention to are the instructions under 'Configuring distcc to
cross-compile correctly'.

Of course, the instructions are just an example and you should
substitute the correct triplet (i.e. 'sparc-unknown-linux-gnu' should
become 'i486-pc-linux-gnu').

> I have to temporary disable distcc (FEATURES variable needs to be commented 
> out) for klibc, emerge klibc and then re-enable distcc

FYI, environment values take priority over those in make.conf, so you
can just override FEATURES for the current build by putting it on the
command line:

$ FEATURES=-distcc emerge klibc


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