Jarry wrote:
>> I've trained it with sa-learn on a whole slew of ham and spam and it
>> continues to let through nearly all the spam coming in.
> BTW, in which form do all emails have to be in order to use them as
> examples for spamassassin-learning? mbox (all mails in 1 file), or
> maildir (every mail is a separate file)? Or both are acceptable?

Either. By default, SpamAssassin will assume path given is a Maildir
folder, unless passed with the -mbox statement.

> What about MUA mail-folders? Can I use them? I have a lot of mails in
> mozilla/thunderbird mail-folder format, which is (I think) very close to
> mbox (every mailfolder is one file, e.g. one file for all Sent mails,
> etc), but I'm not sure if spamassassin would understand it as many mails
> in one file, separated by newline and "From - <date>" line...

So long as it's in the mbox style, SpamAssassin will work with it. I do
remember seeing some references to the Thunderbird mail system, so I
think it should be OK.

 Jonathan Wright                           ~ mail at djnauk.co.uk
                                           ~ www.djnauk.co.uk
 2.6.12-gentoo-r9-djnauk-b1 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Mobile CPU 1.80GHz
 up  2:58,  2 users,  load average: 3.26, 1.86, 1.06
 "Trust a nitwit society like this one to think that there are  only
 two categories - fag and straight."

                                                        ~ Gore Vidal
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