On Sat, Sep 15 2012, Kerin Millar wrote:

> Philip Webb wrote:
>> Yes, iff you partition the whole disk that way.
>> I don't know whether Dell + M$ located their partitions correctly
>> or whether Fdisk will start at the proper place when adding more.
> Microsoft have been doing the right thing since Vista SP1,

I remember the bad days (me et al) when it was a pain to get the windows
partition shrunk and willing to accept a grub mbr.  I always allocated a
whole day (alone, since I would be grouchy) to do that and often needed
more time.  I think it was around vista, where it just became easy.  It
was certainly easy with the current windows 7.

> long before the Linux ecosystem pulled its collective head out of the
> sand. Regarding the available partitioning tools, fdisk from
> util-linux-2.18 onwards is safe. Gentoo was extremely slow on the
> uptake in getting this issue resolved but that's water under the
> bridge now. Any release media from around the time bug #356941 was
> closed will be safe.

I used a live CD from nov 3 2011 

livecd ~ # uname -a
Linux livecd 3.0.6-gentoo #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 12:50:42 UTC 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) 
Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

> I usually validate the starting boundary of a partition in this fashion:
> echo $(( 64538624 % 8 )) # 0 == 1MiB aligned == good

right.  I used emacs calc.


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