On 09/18/2012 11:03 PM, Dale wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:53:53 -0500
>> Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> When I moved in with my GF, her electric bill shoot up to the roof (I
>>> brought my 46" LCD TV, PlayStation 3, and in total 5 computers and
>>> other electronics). After a couple of months of shock of seeing the
>>> electric bills, we started to do this kind of stuff
>>> (suspending/hibernating our machines, using CFL instead of normal
>>> light bulbs, etc.), and we cut the spending almost in four.
>> Apartment living maybe?
>> I have 1 XBox, 2 Wii's, 40" LED TV, 22" LED monitor, 16" LCD monitor, an
>> xbmc frontend, 2 el-cheap android tablets permanently plugged in, 1
>> desktop, 2 HP microservers and 3 laptops running almost 24/7. And about
>> 10 incandescent bulbs all evening, 2 neons and umpteen CFLs.
>> It's a lot of power, sure.
>> And all quite insignificant when compared to what the swimming pool
>> pump uses......
>> All a matter of perspective I suppose :-)
> My biggest expenses, refrigeration and heating/cooling.  I have a large
> fridge, two deep freezers, two window A/C's for summer and a large
> heater for the winter.  Compare any of those to my computer, the
> computer is a rounding error.  My main rig, monitor, router, DSL modem
> and printer pulls about 150 watts at most.  At most would be while it is
> compiling or something.  When idle, ~100 watts.  I figured it up once
> and I think it costs about $12.00 a month to run.  Heck, when I have a
> $200.00 power bill, rounding error comes to mind.  Heck, taxes and fees
> on the power bill is more than my puter uses.  I would much rather fuss
> about the taxes than my puter.  I use my puter.  lol
> I think you hit it pretty good tho Alan.  It's perspective. 

It's not only about power bill costs. Oil and gas are limited resources
and we're not leaving much to the next generations. Yes, it's a matter
of perspective :-)


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