Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 19. September 2012, 01:51:49 schrieb Dale:
>> Raffaele BELARDI wrote:
>>> On 09/18/2012 11:03 PM, Dale wrote:
>>> And every day I hear about them finding more oil and gas that they
>>> didn't know was there before. 
> I am sure everybody would love to hear about those findings. Especially the 
> CEO's of BP, Shell etc.

Actually, the former CEO of Shell was on Fox Business not long ago
talking about some HUGE finds.  He said that we, the USA, are sitting on
some of the largest oil fields.  Here is one article I found but not
sure this is the same one the Shell guy was talking about since this
article is a few months old.


Quoting from that:

"It's no pipe dream. The U.S. is already the world's fastest-growing oil
and natural gas producer. Counting the output from Canada and Mexico,
North America
is "the new Middle East," Citigroup analysts declare in a recent report."

Note it said fastest growing producer.  You have to find it and be able
to get it up before you can produce it.  Yea, one day we will run out
but that's a good long ways off.  We could get hit by some asteroid or
something that just completely destroys the planet and everything on it,
including all that oil and gas that people want to save up on. 

Have you heard about the new wells being drilled in North Dakota by any
chance?  They are drilling for oil like crazy up there.  That is just
one that I recall seeing on the news a good bit recently.  There are
plenty of other finds. 

> Fact is, we are running out. The stuff that is found is either very hard to 
> get 
> - or not very much. Oh, and very little to start with. Consider current 
> consumption.

Fact is, the same could be said for the Sun too.  Science already says
it will run out of fuel one day.  Solar doesn't work without sunlight. 
You can't grow corn or anything to make "green" fuel either.  There is
always going to be someone claiming we are running out of something. 
Then, we find more of it and the process continues.  Heck, we can't even
run out of the flu bug and everyone wants to run out of that. 

As for it being hard to get to, with new tools and knowledge that is
being used, they can get to places that 20 years ago we could never
dream of.  Once you get a oil pipe in the ground, that thing can produce
for years, even decades.  It's not like you have to drill a new one for
each week or month.  Heck, I have seen people talking on TV about oil
wells that were drilled way back in the 40's or 50's that still produce
lots of oil.  Once you get the pipe there, it's not hard anymore.

>> Everything is a limited resource
>> including sunlight.  If we are going to live thinking the end is
>> tomorrow, then we are not going to have a life worth living.
> then turn off your computer. Have everything constantly on IS living like 
> there 
> is no tomorrow. If you want a tomorrow, start energy saving a bit.

Sorry, not convinced.  I let my computer do work for me and I find it
reasonable to pay for. 

>> Reminds me of a quote I heard a little while ago.  'We shouldn't eat to
>> live, we should live to eat.'  It was something like that.  I think I
>> got it right since I didn't exactly write it down.  They were talking
>> about food but still.  If you live, you have to use something.
> and because of some stupid, unrelated quote it is ok to be wasteful?
> You love quotes? Here is one:
> Waste not, want not.

I'm not wasting anything.  I just chose to let my puter work for me not
you.  I'm not one that is going to be told that I can't use something
that belongs to me in my own chosen way.  That is just NOT going to
work.  I chose to leave my system running and that is my decision and
mine alone.  You make your decision and I'll make mine.  I'm not going
to tell you to leave yours on, don't tell me to turn mine off either. 
I'll respect yours, you respect mine. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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