On Sat, Sep 29 2012, Michael Hampicke wrote:

> Am 29.09.2012 19:52, schrieb Neil Bothwick:
>> On Sat, 29 Sep 2012 11:08:41 -0400, Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>>> When I try http://localhost/~gottlieb, firefox says
>>>   "you don't have permission to access /~gottlieb"
>>> and the apache error log says
>>>   "client denied by server
>>> configuration: /local/allan/gottlieb/public_html"
>>> The file permissions are ok since both
>>>   file:///home/gottlieb/public_html/index.html and
>>>   file:///home/gottlieb/public_html
>>> work fine.
>> It's not file permissions, the error message says "server configuration",
>> probably some Allow/Deny magic.
> Yeah, now I see it:
> "client denied by server configuration:"
>       /local/allan/gottlieb/public_html
> The file permissions are ok since both
>       file:///home/gottlieb/public_html/index.html
> So there's /local/allan vs /home/gottlieb
> If you correct the DocumentRoot it will work :)

I don't understand what is wrong with DocumentRoot.  It is unchanged at
/var/www/localhost/htdocs and accessing http://localhost works fine.

/etc/conf.d/apache says
#  USERDIR      Enables /~username mapping to /home/username/public_html

So /~gottlieb --> /home/gottlieb/public_html

/home/gottlieb -> /local/allan/gottlieb

and all directories in both paths have permissions >= 555

I know a symlink /home/gottlieb -> /local/allan/gottlieb is OK
for apache since my current install has

/home/gottlieb -> /allan/gottlieb    /allan -> /local/allan
and everything works.

I agree with neil that it is probably allow/deny, but I don't see any
differences between my old and new (both are pretty much stock).
The new is essentially unchanged from the emerged package (added USERDIR
to /etc/conf.d/apache2) and I have diff'ed old with new and they seem the
same.  There must be some place I haven't looked.

I appreciate all the effort.
allan gottlieb

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