
> I put in a symlink  /home -> /local/allan/gottlieb
> so that programs looking in /home would be happy.
> I had /etc/passwd say /local/allan/gottlieb since it is the real
> directory.
> apache doesn't like this.  There is probably an option to let it do this
> since it has several options on symlinks

It's not about liking... mod_userdir automatically maps a URL in the
form ~/foo onto user foo's home dir, as it is recorded in the system's
user database. If you put /local/allan/gottlieb there, apache tries to
serve files directly from /local/allan/gottlieb.

The default mod_userdir configuration
(/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_userdir.conf, of which you pasted an
excerpt in the other email) only sets an "Allow from all" for
directories in the form "/home/*/public_html", which does not include
anything under /local.

You can either change your home directory, or add

<Directory /local/allan/gottlieb>
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

   [whatever other options you need]

in the apache config for the virtualhost you're using.

As for the "FollowSymlinks" and "SymlinksIfOwnerMatch" options, I'm not
sure they apply here: they should only affect whether the server follows
symlinks *within* the document root, not symlinks in the path *leading
to* the document root.


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