On 10/30/2012 01:56 AM, Walter Dnes wrote:
   Several years ago, back in the days of Mozilla 0.9x and Phoenix, I
used to build Mozilla and/or Pheonix from the source tarball.

Me too :)  Every morning I'd pull from their source repo and build my own
and then file bug reports (there were thousands of bugs to report) until
I got tired of adding to the mile-high stack of other ignored bug reports
and quit.  Amazing how much I've forgotten since then :(


About halfway down that webpage I spotted this line, and it rang a bell:
ac_add_options --enable-optimize=-O2
(I think I recall adding CFLAGS to that line, but it's pretty fuzzy now.

And you would probably want to set this to $HOME, as you mentioned:
ac_add_options --prefix=/usr

You can also add mk_add_options="-j4" and similar stuff to .mozconfig
if you want.

You can try entering 'about:buildconfig' in firefox or seamonkey to see
what sort of stuff the mozilla devs use to build their own binaries.

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