Keith Dart wrote:
> Re
> 509D8E00.4030208@coolmail.se509D8E00.4030208@coolmail.sek7k1hn$ce6$,
> Dale said:
>> I don't worry about boot up times much either.  Here is why:
> I was thinking of converting to systemd on my Gentoo laptop. There I do
> boot frequently, and could benefit from quicker bootups. So I'm happy
> to some success stories with it, since I've been holding off on taking
> that plunge. 
> -- Keith

I mentioned in my post that there are reasons some may want to use
systemd.  Here it is:

"Now for someone who has to reboot a lot, sounds windowish doesn't it,
then by all means convert to systemd or whatever suites your fancy. As
always, what works for one doesn't suite the needs of another. That's
why we use Gentoo. We get to use what suites us. "

It sounds like systemd would benefit you since you have to reboot a lot.  Thing 
is, lots of people don't reboot that often.  Given you have a laptop, you 
likely reboot quite often and even a faster boot up would be nice so maybe you 
should give it a try.  After all, when you are running off of a battery, every 
bit counts.  

I have seen quite a few posts where people have switched to it.  It seems it 
has a bit of a curve to getting it working but once working, it works.  Me, if 
I was going to switch, I'd use a second install or copy my current install to 
another partition, just in case I can't get around that curve.  ;-)  

My point was that I don't see any reason to switch myself.  While sort of 
agreeing with pk, I do see what some would want to switch and I have no problem 
with someone posting a success story.  I have done so myself when I went to 
LVM.  I'm sure there are others but that is one I remember pretty well.  


:-)  :-)  

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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