On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:54:10PM -0500, Michael Mol wrote
> I don't remember if Richard is on the -user list or not. I've no doubt
> he'd be happy to have your assistance; you put in a lot of work
> getting mdev to work for your purposes. (Whatever happened with that,
> anyway? Or am I getting the various walts in here mixed up?)

  The Gentoo Wiki pages are at...

  I don't think I can claim responsibility for Richard Yao's decision
(along with others) to fork udev.  I was one of the more visible
malcontents here on the user list, but there were other factors.

  For many people here, "the udev controversy" means either moving /usr
to /, or booting with initramd.  If that had been it, the fork might've
never materialized.  The current systemd-udev team managed to piss off a
lot of people.

  - people like me who didn't want to repartition their hard drives or
    go to initramd, just because Lennart declared separate /usr "broken"

  - people who had device drivers break, or at least hang for 30 or 60
    seconds at bootup, just because Lennart declared the old way of
    loading firmware "broken"

  - people who may not have been affected by the above, but were afraid
    of Lennart's stated desire to roll udev completely into systemd and
    thereby make systemd mandatory in linux

  - and for good measure, throw in people who had problems with Lennart's
    gratuitous sound daemon (pulseaudio) or gratutious network daemon
    (avahi) whose primary function seems to be to auto-config link-local
    addresses.  And let's not forget the brouhaha over Poettering's and
    Seiver's binary-syslog-with-undocumented-format idea

  Lennart Poettering (and to a lesser extent Sievers) has pissed off a
lot of people (users, sysadmins, and developers).  The situation resembles
the Xfree86 ==> Xorg revolt.  Hopefully, the end result will be similar.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
We are apparently better off trying to avoid udev like the plague.
Linus Torvalds; 2012/10/03 https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/3/349

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