On Wed, 26 Dec 2012 12:48:38 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:

> On the mdadm list one comment came up which was to make sure
> my mdadm.conf file was up to date and then include it in the initramfs
> image so that if for some reason the machine doesn't boot I have all
> the info required to start the RAIDs by hand. I thought that was a good
> comment.

That is a good idea.

> One other question came up. So I build the kernel, and the kernel build
> creates the initramfs image and embeds it in the kernel. Is there a tool
> that would allow me to query the embedded image prior to booting
> so that I can check that everything is in there that I think should be
> in there?

Yes. I had to do this once when I corrupted or deleted my init.sh and
needed to retrieve it from the kernel. I don't remember the details, but
I do recall it involved one of the scripts in the kernel source
directory and the use of Google - although not in that order :)

Neil Bothwick

"I am a Cub Ranger. We dib dib dib for the One. We dob dob dob for the

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