Hi all,

I was having a nice day when this started happening completely out of
the blue (no emerges, no changes, no nothing prior to what I'm about to

I use Openbox, and I finally just started setting it up to use more of
its features, notably the dock.

Now, I always ran OB from a script (pointed the exec line in the
usr/share/xsessions openbox.desktop entry to point to it), in order to
start various apps (feh, pypanel, gnome-settings-daemon, numlockx) prior
to starting OB itself.

So I added the dockapp entries to this script, and (after some
tweakage), all was well.

Until I logged out and back in, and suddenly OB would not start from the
script-- well, it would, but I'd get the 'your session has lasted less
than 10 seconds' error.

~/.xsession.errors said that there was an unexpected EOF at the end of
the script.

And sure enough, there is an extra (blank) line after exec openbox,so
the error itself makes sense, kinda.

The problem is, I can't get rid of it.

I usually edit the script in gedit, but I've edited out that blank line
in nano, kate, and nedit as well, and it keeps coming back (I edit it
out, save the file, try logging in via the script, error recurs).

I can get into OB by changing the .desktop entry back to Exec=openbox
(but then of course I have nothing but the menu), and I can run the
(modified to remove 'exec openbox') script after OB has started, and all
my dockapps and helper apps appear normally.

But this is obviously not optimal (unless anyone knows a way to make OB
run the script itself when it starts, but if we could do that, we
wouldn't have to be editing ~/.xsession or writing extra scripts in the
first place).

What I want is to permanently get rid of this bogus EOF in my script, so
that it works the way it did 3 hours ago.

Does this ring a bell to anybody?

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