On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 11:32:03AM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 03:01:57 -0600
> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Since this is
> > depreciated, which generally means no longer maintained
> <nitpick>
> The word you want is "deprecated".
> "depreciated" is something else entirely, it's what your employer does
> to the book value of your company car over 5 years to get the value
> down to nothing.
> </nitpick>

"Depreciated" is perfectly cromulent in this instance.

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / fe...@crowfix.com
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I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o

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