Holly Bostick wrote:

> OK, this is so bizarre, I hardly know how to ask it (which is why I
> can't find anything in Google about it, either).
> This is more dock stuff. I'm trying to change the colors on those
> dockapps that allow it. These dockapps that allow it are *supposed* to
> take hex color codes (#xx1x34), but they don't seem to. They do,
> however, take named colors (orange, MediumSlateBlue, etc) correctly, but
> unfortunately, these named colors do not *precisely* match my desktop.
> I've been using gcolor2 to pick the colors of my desktop, and I just
> noticed that it also saves 'named' colors.
> So I thought, "can't I just 'pick' a color, name it, and then I could
> use it like all the other named colors?"
> I suppose I could, if I knew where the heck such information is stored.

Perhaps /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt is it. There's a (masked) ebuild
x11-apps/rgb. My xorg.conf has:

        RgbPath      "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"

Alas, /usr/lib/X11/rgb doesn't exist here. The man page of "showrgb"
talks about a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb file, which doesn't exist here,

  strace -eopen showrgb

shows that it reads /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt directly. Hmm.

> Could anybody tell me (or tell me that it can't be done)?

Perhaps it's easier to fix the application that fails to take hex color

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