On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 14:10:45 -0600
»Q« <boxc...@gmx.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 17:45:33 +0200
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [about udev and CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y] 
> > A news item about this is coming down the wire very soon now (aka
> > within hours judging by the thread on -dev).
> It's there now.  Among other things, it mentions checking the /dev
> entry in fstab, if there is one.  I don't have one, but I'm curious.
> Is it the udev-mount service in my default runlevel that makes it
> unnecessary to have /dev in fstab?  Also, what would be the reasons
> for adding a /dev entry? 

yes it's udev-mount:

        if ! grep -qs devtmpfs /proc/filesystems; then
                eerror "CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y is required in your kernel
        configuration" eerror "for this version of udev to run
        successfully." eerror "This requires immediate attention."
                if ! mountinfo -q /dev; then
                        mount -n -t tmpfs dev /dev
                        busybox mdev -s
                        mkdir /dev/pts

I don't see any good reason whatsoever to add /dev to fstab, unless you
want to change the default mount options for some reason

> > Unfortunately, it's too late for you now but at least many other
> > users will see the message before they emerge world and save them
> > some pain
> Yeah.  I use elogv to look at anything with warnings or errors after
> an emerge, and I can't explain how I overlooked the bright red notice
> this time.  
> Normally, I follow this group and know what has come up for people
> running ~arch (or if I don't *know*, I at least remember there's to
> keep my eyes open for).  But I've given up on following udev threads
> here, which tend to get pretty noisy.
> Of course there's no substitute for paying attention, but it's nice to
> get a news item, even nicer if it comes before things hit stable.


I seem to have lost my virtual consoles recently, courtesy of
udev-197 :-(

Haven't figured out why yet, I suppose I'll have to read all those
noisy udev threads again

Alan McKinnon

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