El 31/ago/2005 a las 08:39 -0300, Holly me decĂ­a:
> The probelm here is (likely) that the name of the package (for the
> purposes of the ebuild) is 'mutt-conan', not mutt.
> The format for an overlay folder (like Portage) is
> cat-egory/package-name/package-name.and-version.ebuild
> so your ebuild should likely be in
> /usr/local/portage/mail-client/mutt-conan/mutt-conan-1.5.8-r2.ebuild
> rather than just 'mutt'.
> I get caught by that one all the time

And i get caught even after reading this. But now i read a second time
and get that the *directory* where the ebuild remains *must* have the
same name as the package. I didn't pay attentio to this:
> /usr/local/portage/ ... /mutt-conan/ ...

But before realizing that i just changed the name back to *mutt* alone
and the command run sucessfull. So i decided to let that way since
emerge will tell from where comes the ebuild, as you say.

I can't wait to see this tested, i'm doing a sync right now and gonna
unfix mutt version in packages.mask so this afternoon will check what
happens when i try to 'emerge mutt' (surely gonna be a new version)

> Is this a behaviour that a significant portion of the mutt userbase
> might want? Or are you just weird ;) ?

Well, you use thunderbird, so maybe you're more like a "mouse user".
This is the thing: in mutt you can flag a message as important (you
got only one flag), also you have a 'ctrl-d' command that deletes a
full thread. Sometimes threads get off-topic (an unconstructive flame
for example) and when i realize that, and don't like the new topic i
just 'ctrl-d' them. But what if i've flagged some message? It means
that it's important to me, so i wanted to remain undeleted.  The
actual behaviour of mutt just delete everything.

That's what the patch provides me, and with a single line of code.
Simple. And David (the autor) do it so well that even added a new
option for it to be in '~/muttrc' and let the default to be the old
behaviour. So i think this patch can get to portage easily.

By the way, if anyone interested, this is it:

> If you think it might be useful to other mutt
> users, submit it to b.g.o 

Doing this later.

> :) Yes, you can. Isn't Gentoo great? Did you know yesterday that "even
> you" could contribute to development? $DEITY, I *love* that.... !

Yeah! I think it's time to read Nagatoro link now.

Fernando Canizo - http://www.lugmen.org.ar/~conan/
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