On 2013-03-20, Carlos Hendson <skyc...@gmx.net> wrote:

> That's by no means conclusive, however, I've also run a complete pass of
> memcheck for over an hour without any issues reported.

FWIW.  I've had flakey memory that ran memcheck fine for several hours
and multiple passes -- but if I let it run long enough, it would fail.
I wouldn't be confident unless memtest ran for at least 12 hours (24
would be even better).

I'd also keep an eye on CPU core temperature. 

A failing hard-drive can also cause some pretty strange behavior.  If
you're drives are smart (AFAICT, all recent ones are), ask them how
they're feeling with 'smartclt' or something like that.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm having BEAUTIFUL
                                  at               THOUGHTS about the INSIPID
                              gmail.com            WIVES of smug and wealthy
                                                   CORPORATE LAWYERS ...

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