On Thursday 28 Mar 2013 14:03:27 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 March 2013 18:16:22 Walter Dnes wrote:
> >   OK, I'll go with...
> > 
> > MAKEOPTS="-j2 --load-average=3"
> This box is an i5 with four single-threaded CPUs and I limit the average
> load to 8. Since emerge is running at niceness=3 the desktop remains
> responsive throughout. I used not to limit the load at all and KDE was
> still fine to work with. I sometimes think that with modern systems
> there's no need to impose limits of my own since the kernel can cope well
> by itself.
> In fact I'm going to remove the load limit and see how I get on.

I've got a first generation i7 and this is what I have set up in my make.conf:

  MAKEOPTS="-j5 -l12.8"

Why is -l set at 12.8 ... ?  At some distant point in the past this made sense 
to me, but I have no idea how I arrived at it.  Other than the cooling fan 
speeding up I have not noticed a problem with any ebuilds.  Very rarely I 
might have used -j1 to complete a failing ebuild, but it was so long ago I 
can't even recall it.

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