Am 30.03.2013 12:36, schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:

> But small progress, yes.

I am close, I feel it :-)

Switched to wvdial to rule out NM etc.

wvdialconf etc ....

I now have:

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Dial Attempts = 1
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Init1 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 9600

[Dialer pin]
Init2 = AT+CPIN=3451

[Dialer eins]
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","","",0,0,0,0
Username =
Password = ppp
Dial Command = ATDT
Dial Attempts = 3
Phone = *99#
Stupid Mode = 1

----> I first run "wvdial pin" then :

# wvdial eins
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0
--> Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","","",0,0,0,0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT*99#
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected.  Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Tue Apr  2 14:09:43 2013
--> Pid of pppd: 24968
--> Using interface ppp0
--> Disconnecting at Tue Apr  2 14:10:13 2013
--> The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)
--> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
--> Try again and look into /var/log/messages and the wvdial and pppd
man pages for more information.
--> Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
^CCaught signal 2:  Attempting to exit gracefully...
--> Sending: ATQ0
--> Re-Sending: ATZ

Doesn't come up!

Played with options, even read the APN from the device via putty etc.

Something is still missing ...

Do I have to set up ppp as well?


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