Am Tue, 2 Apr 2013 23:15:40 +0200
schrieb Marc Joliet <>:

> Am Tue, 2 Apr 2013 20:31:10 +0000 (UTC)
> schrieb Grant Edwards <>:
> > On 2013-04-02, Alan McKinnon <> wrote:
> > 
> > > No, you are stilling misunderstanding.
> > 
> > He's not the only one.
> > 
> > > The news item goes to great lengths to explain that there is a new
> > > way and it is different from the old way.
> > 
> > I did grok that much.  I had a 70-persistent-net.rules file that named
> > my three interfaces "eth0" "eth1" and "eth2" based on their MAC
> > addresses. After reading the news item and flameeyes blog, I was still
> > pretty much at a loss regarding what I was actually supposed to _do_.
> AFAIU, as soon as the names in your rules file differ from the in-kernel names
> (e.g., if the kernel switches eth0 and eth1), bad things can happen during
> renaming, due to deadlocks or something like that (others will have understood
> it better and should explain it rather than I).

OK, I should have looked first. Here's a technical explanation from
(referenced in the news item, BTW):

  For a longer time udev shipped support for assigning permanent "ethX" names to
  certain interfaces based on their MAC addresses. This turned out to have a
  multitude of problems, among them: [snipped various other reasons]. The
  biggest of all however is that the userspace components trying to assign the
  interface name raced against the kernel assigning new names from the same
  "ethX" namespace, a race condition with all kinds of weird effects, among
  them that assignment of names sometimes failed. As a result support for this
  has been removed from systemd/udev a while back.

So not a deadlock, but a race condition.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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