On 06/04/2013 17:57, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
>> Please excuse me, I am running back and forth from the servers and
>> > typing the error message here. Did our configuration get switched to
>> > IP6? These are our DB servers and why me!!! Why ME!!!!!
> No, it's not just you, it's happened to pretty much everybody.  udev-200
> now renames eth0, eth1, .... 

Please please PLEASE, for the love of god joseph mary and every other
$DEITY on the planet


It did not happen to pretty much everybody. It happened to people who
blindly updated thignsd and walked away, who did not read the news
announcement, who did not read the CLEARLY WORDED wiki article at
freedesktop.org or alternatively went into mod-induced panic and started
making shit up in their heads.


all you have to do is run eselect news and read what is there. It is all
very clearly worded and makes complete sense when read in conjunction
with the wiki page (link is in the news statement).

Unless you have a very complex setup with multiple NICs (and especially
if they are USB based) you will find that the docs probably cover your
case completely (just add common sense and a bit of understanding about
what udev does on a Linux system).

All that happened is that the thing you used to know as eth0 now has a
different name.
The most important thing you need to remember is you cannot safely
rename that NIC to ethX as this can collide with what the kernel drivers
are trying to do. And that is all that happened here.

Alan McKinnon

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