On 04/07/13 22:35, Pandu Poluan wrote:


  AFAICT, on-board NICs have sequential MAC Adresses, with the one
  labeled "Port 1" has the smallest MAC Address. So far, *all* Linux
  distros I've used on a server will reliably name "Port X" as
  "eth$((X-1))". So it's never a puzzle as to which port bears which
  "ethX" moniker.

  The new naming scheme, however, is much less intuitive. Where
  originally I just immediately use eth0, now I have to enumerate the
  monikers first, because even between servers of the same model (let's
  say, HP's DL360 G7), the PCI attachment point might differ.

  Granted, Linux SysAdmins *are* expected to understand the vagaries of
  Linux, but it's still a great inconvenience.


In my opinion this new udev-200 naming port is a big screw-up; I wouldn't be surprised if few months down the road we will go back to old naming because of misunderstandings.

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