On 2013-04-16 12:12 PM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
I must have missed where you ran emerge -e @world. Oops. :)

I didn't... I was replying to your comment that implied that I thought I had rebuilt my entire 'system', when in fact I specified '@system', meaning, only those packages in @system... :)

That said... since this entire system was 32bit up until my little mistake, and I only updated/compiled a few packages, my thoughts are that the vast majority of the system should be 'ok' - or am I missing something (wouldn't surprise me if I am)...

But, yes, there are packages which don't belong to @system or @world.
@world consists of things you've explicitly asked for. @system consists
of things that are deemed inherently necessary for system operation.

Neither necessarily contains things like x11-libs/libX11, which may be
pulled in as a dependency of something in @world or @system (depending
on USE flags, etc). Various python modules would also not be found in
either @world or @system. @system and @world are explicit
statements...there are still the dependencies to worry about.

But if you ran emerge -e @world, the -e would have picked those up.

Gotcha... thanks for the clarification.

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