On Thu, 18 Apr 2013 14:34:42 -0600, Joseph wrote:

> I'm not getting any were with this; looking blindly trying to install
> older versions hoping it might help This Gentoo portage + attic is not
> getting any easier it is not documented officially how to install and
> run it and if I ask how to do it all I get is silly advice to google it
> up :-/

You don't "install" attic, it is an area of the CVS server. You copy
files from it to a local overlay, and setting up one of those is covered
in the Gentoo Handbook.

>> All ebuilds stay on the Gentoo CVS server, ones that are removed from
>> the tree  in the "attic". If you want a previous version, download it
>> from the attic and put it in your local overlay.

See, no mention of installing anything. Download and copy "it", i.e. one
ebuild. Google isn't enough, you also have to read the advice given.

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 35: Legally drunk

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