On 04/20/13 01:13, Steven J. Long wrote:
If you want the option to rollback, you should use FEATURES=buildpkg[1] in
general, and qpkg to make a binpkg from current system. qpkg is part of
portage-utils, which is highly recommended. man q after you install it, and
follow the instructions in einfo to get it to sync when portage does.
I am a holiday updater every second month or so; so at time to time I something
get screw up and I got caught in between.
I was looking blindly as I didn't really know what to look for. I turn out it
was a problem with recent gtk+ package.
I'm not sure if building binary is a solution for me.
>The version of poppler that you have masked ( 0.22.2-r2 ) is stable. So
>it's not a portage screw up, the problem is more that you are trying to
>install outdated software.
I'm not getting any were with this; looking blindly trying to install older
versions hoping it might help..
Maybe it is time for me to move to another distro.
Why do you want an older version? I don't understand why you have 0.22.2-r2
masked at all; it's in stable which means it's been tested by quite a few
people already, and it is recommended that you upgrade.
Just be sure to do a revdep-rebuild after you emerge -uD --changed-use world
and depclean.
As to attic stuff, as Neal said you need to copy ebuild and any needed files
from the files subdir into a local overlay. You can read about how to do that
at [2] but as I said, I don't think you should have stable poppler masked
in the first place.
This atic stuff was explained to me on the forum in more details, I remember
running overlay but it was long time ago so I had to have my memory refresh.
First we need in make.conf
Next we need to find the package from:
Download the ebuild (and any extra/patches) and put in in
run full path name:
ebuild <path-to-overlay>/<category>/<packagename>/xxxx.ebuild manifest
It would be a good idea to have detailed instruction somewhere in Gentoo