
We'll it's time to take Gentoo on the boating excursions.
sci-geosciences/opencpn is in portage and I'm going to the
the Fl. Keys for a couple of weeks. [1]

However, much of the time, the Gentoo_nav_hadware will be
on a 17 foot boat (damp and salty if not wet) in search for 
those most treasured of crustaceans (lobster). So I'm looking 
for marine grade hardware onto which installation of Gentoo is 
reasonably straightforward.

Otherwise, I can use something like my PandaBoard (Rev A1)
if I could find at least a 6" screen that works in 
very bright sunlight?

Any hardware input suggestions would be keenly anticipated.
I've got about a month to prepare something. Garmin marine
gear is just too pricey. PS, I can coat most electronics with
a conformal coating. [2].

[1] http://opencpn.org
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformal_coating

Let's get wet with ideas!

Capn James

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