On 26.04.2013 19:41, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Yuri K. Shatroff <yks-...@yandex.ru> wrote:
In the end, I humbly believe it's up to me to judge what effect there is for
me on my computers.

Yes, that's exactly the point. Scroll up and reread this thread,
though, and you'll get the impression that some complainers seem to
think that Lennart is breaking into their systems and magickally
installing his 175-year old software in them. What's this about 100%
of the users being "forced" to have pulseaudio in?

Yes, being.
I don't know if Lennart writes great code (doesn't seem like that though) but what I can see is that he never asks what people need. He forces his self-righteous software upon us as a sole alternative. Instead of first creating (at least talking over) protocols which are (no need to explain why) better, he creates a proggy which aims to be all-powerful all-solving (including adobe flash's bugs) and probably to conquer all the world. I don't know again. That's the impression. Maybe there's one who knows better. But AFAICT all (really) great software talks protocols and standards. In Lennart's works, I don't see any. And that said, yes, I'm being forced. Gradually it all goes for us all to have to have his works installed everywhere. Someone's justifying this by "the needs of 1% users", the other one by "the ease to maintain one library instead of a lot", the next one by it being brand new -- regardless. It's kinda mass psychosis. Whatever you say if not "it's great", you get: "oh, again you with your criticism of lennart"? "I have *** installed and it works, and you are kinda dumb yourself" etc. It doubtlessly greatly assists in inclining my point of view towards installing lennart's stuff, yeah.

Best wishes,
Yuri K. Shatroff

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