On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 09:38:26PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote
> When trying to hunt down a thread to let a guy on the OpenBSD list
> know about Gnome 3.8 hard deps on pulseaudio. I came across this
> sarcasm about a comment by Lennart from a fairly prominent dev that
> adds to the idea of arrogance and ignorance possibly being a
> contributing factor.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Lennart is a funny, funny man, go check the avahi code to see how nice
> it is.
> "When working on Avahi I learned a lot about the complexities of safely
> and reliably running and maintaining system services, and about
> securing them as much as possible, which is particularly important for
> network facing services like Avahi. I implemented a lot of
> pretty nifty features in 
> this area in Avahi. For example, Avahi is still pretty much
> the *only daemon* on a standard Linux install that chroot()s
> itself by default."
> _______________________________________________________________________

  I have 2 questions regarding software development...
1) Is the Linux Foundation paying Steve Ballmer to destroy Windows?
2) Is Microsoft paying Lennart Poettering and Redhat to destroy Linux?
They both seem to be trying their hardest.

  In addition to systemd/pulseadio/avahi, he and Sievers proposed a
binary-format syslog.  The flak they got was so fierce that even
Redhat's influence couldn't push it through.

  We know what we Gentoo users think of Lennart.  What does he think of
us?  See http://lalists.stanford.edu/lad/2009/06/0191.html

> So what does that mean for you?

> If you don't do RT development or doing RT development only for
> embedded cases, or if you are a
> Gentoo-Build-It-All-Myself-Because-It-Is-So-Much-Faster-And-Need-To-Reinvent-The-Wheel-Daily-And-Configurating-Things-Is-Awesome-Guy
> then it doesn't mean anything for you. 

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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