On 29/04/2013 17:26, Randy Westlund wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I have a nice set of speakers, but they aren't near my desk in my home 
> office.  I used to carry them back and forth when I wanted good music, but 
> that was a pain.  I currently have a RasPi running arch connected to the 
> speakers -- I've been cat-ing audio files over ssh to mplayer, and that 
> mostly works (no fast-forward/skip).  I also tried using reverse-ssh and 
> sshfs to mount my files on the RasPi, but that seems silly.
> What I really want is to be able to stream audio from my browser to the 
> RasPi's speakers (pandora, grooveshark).  I'd like to set up an audio device 
> that maps to the RasPi.  Something like /dev/dsp1, perhaps.  If I could have 
> some audio sent to the RasPi and leave mcabber's chat notifications on my 
> laptop's speakers, that'd be fantastic.
> Does anyone have a setup like this?  Know of any good options?
> Randy

Run OpenElec on the Pi - it's a minimalist distro running XBMC, must
like an appliance. Then you can stream whatever you want to the Pi using
just about every known protocol from just about every known device
(phones included!)

XBMC also has plugins for all manner of web-based interfaces.

It's a bigger solution than you asked for, but possibly one that gives
you more than you thought you'd get

Alan McKinnon

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