On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:51:23 -0400
"Dave Nebinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:

> > Hi Dave --  thanks for the response.  I'm not sure I understand it
> > all, but I understand enough to get me started and do some testing. 
> > One question however, when you say to build pixie manually, what do
> > you mean by building it manually?  Is that different from
> > 
> > emerge pixie
> Yeah.  Basically you do the following:
> 1. get the tarball either from the home site or /usr/portage/distfiles
> to your home directory.  Usually if I'm going to do a manual build I
> grab the latest stable distribution from the home site.
> 2. extract the tarball then cd into the directory.
> 3. Run the configure script, but you have two options: a) use
> "./configure --prefix=/usr" to replace the pixie that portage emerged
> or b) use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local" to get a clean local copy.
> 4. Build using the make command.
> 5. At this point you can test in the local directory to see if it
> works. 6. If you're happy with the build, su then "make install".

Oh, duh...  I have done an
make install
since I started using Gentoo.  How soon we forget.  Actually it was just
a terminology problem of me not grasping what you said.  If I replace
the pixie emerged by portage does that mess up anything as far as
portage is concerned?  

I expect there is something out there about my question.  I'll have to
go looking when I have time.  I'll probably try your suggestions this
weekend.  Much too busy at the moment to play with this right now.  

I have one more dumb question.  What man page do I read to understand
how to use LDFLAGS?  I was thinking this was a variable in make.conf
however I just read the man page for make.conf and I see that it is not
documented there.  Also looked around at gentoo.org documentation, but
didn't find anything that helps yet.

Again, thank you very much for your time and assistance.


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