On 16 July 2013 19:43, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16/07/2013 18:59, András Csányi wrote:
>>> You should do a little more research before saying something like that
>>> > about a piece of software that just works most of the time.
>> I understand Alan feelings. The strange is that Ubuntu use wicd. I
>> don't know whether by default or not.
> Are you saying that recent Ubuntu now uses wicd?

I took a look at my girlfriend's laptop, she uses Ubuntu. At first
sight I saw the same as I have on my machine. I mean graphical stuff
and etc. That is the reason why I sad that I don't know whether by
default or she had some hack on her machine. Once she arrive home I
check it again.

--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- http://sayusi.hu --
--  ""Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry!" - Cromwell

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