On Mon, 2013-07-22 at 17:14 +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> yeah, because it is so great to have that monster systemd on your box.
> Because xml configs are awesome and binary logs even more and I always
> wanted an init with builtin webbrowser. Security? bah, not needed. 
> So when do I have to install mysql to use it? How long until some crap
> ala windows-registry is forced down my throat?

Nobody is forcing you to use anything. These are all upstream (GNOME,
freedestkop) decisions, you can't expect them to maintain code that
doesn't follow their technical direction. If you don't like it you can
fork or go use/contribute to other projects all you want. This is the
power of open source, no one can take choice away from you, they can
just make your choice a lot harder to realize.


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