On 2013-07-30 5:32 PM, Daniel Campbell <li...@sporkbox.us> wrote:
Which projects are most in need of developers or maintainers? I wouldn't
mind learning a bit more about package maintenance, portage, and ebuilds...

One that I would *love* to see updated is sogo, which is in the gnustep overlay....


Very fast/lightweight (one server can handle thousands of users) fullblown Exchange Server replacement that fully supports Thunderbird+Lightning, as well as Outlook (NATIVE support, no MAPI plugin required, it actually thinks it is talking to an Exchange Server), and pretty much every mobile client out there, including Apple iCal/iPhone, Blackberry & Windows Mobile (requires the Funambol SOGo Connector), and Android...

The latest ebuild available is 1.2.1 which is really old - the current version of SOGo is 2.0.7, and has *massive* improvements over the 1.x series...

Also - it is also - or will be, I don't see anything on the current website yet - capable of acting as a full blown Active Directory Server with integration of Samba4 and Openchange, so, hopefully in the foreseeable future, SOGo will be able to fully replace an AD Domain *and* Exchange Server...

My plan is to get this installed in the next few weeks (I have paid support from Inverse for this), and if/when the time comes to upgrade my 2008R2 domain controllers, I'll be migrating to SOGo AD Domain controllers instead. I figure by that time (a few years or so), SOGo will be well ready for prime time.

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