The 01/08/13, hasufell wrote:

> Let's not make this yet another git migration discussion. Sufficient to
> say, that it is not trivial to implement in Gentoo since we have to
> migrate history, tools (not just end-user tools, this is also about
> infra) and a lot of other stuff without breaking everything.

Yes, the more objectives are high, the more it is hard to get it

Even Linus said that once the kernel repository will be too much big he
will archive the current repository to keep logs and start with a new

> Also: A lot of gentoo projects have an overlay on github or similar
> where they accept pull requests already. Including sunrise.


> There is a lot of room for improvement in the political aspects of
> gentoo. In order to change it, you have to get more involved.

I think I wans't clear enough. I proposed myself when the first
discussions for CVS to Git migration started. I guess it is something
like 2 to 3 years ago. Today, I don't want to contribute anymore.

> I think the dev ML is not the right place to ask for a mentor, you
> actually have to _find_ one. Discuss on IRC, help out on bugzie, send
> pull requests to official gentoo overlays and then you might already
> know a few devs who work in that area you are intested in. If you are
> unable to find one, the recruiters will help you with that, just contact
> them.

This is exactly the topic. The feeling I have when I read this thread is
that I've not been alone to not get more involved in Gentoo _because_ of
this recruitement process. I'm pointing out that it is really too much
and I think that Gentoo could benefit of more open ways to contribute.

It's true that with more git-based projects it's easier today than in
the past to get involved. But there are still ways of improvement in
this area, IMHO. I just try to give my external POV to others so they
are aware of my experience and perspective. What you do with this owns
to you. ,-)

> Also: we approach people ourselves who force us to commit for them every
> single time. It is annoying, so we want them to become devs ;)

Obsiously. :-)


Nicolas Sebrecht

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