On 2013-08-03 14:28, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 08:34:11PM +0100, Steven J. Long wrote:

> While I (and others BTW) was trying to provide an external POV with
> points to make outside contributions and rectruitement more efficient,
> you guys @gentoo.org turned this thread into plain bullshits.

Please note that the one you replied to (Steven J. Long) does not have a
@gentoo.org email address... I haven't followed this thread closely but
I think the gentoo devs (and others) deserves respect for their hard
work, mostly(?) without pay. I may not like the direction where some
things are going (udev, systemd) but it's the best thing we got for now
(portage, openrc), imho.

Best regards

Peter K

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